Ian Young - update

Ian Young: An Update


Last time we caught up with Ian Young he was preparing to represent GB at the 2017 Invictus games in Canada. A huge achievement, he went on to be an Ambassador for the 2018 games and is currently an athletics coach for Invictus 2020.

It’s been a long recovery journey from his initial diagnosis to today - and Ian is keen to break down the stigma surrounding Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and emphasise the importance of asking for help.

Back in 2017 Ian had undergone two rounds of therapy with PTSD Resolution. Traumas dating back to his Army service, along with personal losses, meant Ian had felt his life was unravelling. He reached out to PTSD Resolution and had a counselling session booked within the week. After a relapse, a second round of therapy was finally able to provide Ian with the tools he needed to rebuild his life.
(You can read the full story here: http://ptsdresolution.org/see-the-difference-study2.php)

Today Ian has a full life and a busy schedule. An IT professional, he manages to combine his Invictus role with running marathons - raising funds and awareness for Veterans suffering with PTSD. Reaching out to others who are struggling is number one on Ian’s agenda - “I have encouraged many people to contact PTSD Resolution and have used my own story to show others what can be done when you get the help and support that is available to improve your own life.”

While he still has difficult moments, Ian uses the techniques he learned in therapy on a daily basis. He is also proactive in finding new ways to improve his mental health, recently attending a sleep therapy workshop which has improved his ability to both sleep and relax.

When we last spoke, Ian had a powerful message about trusting your own instincts - he said, “My advice is, if you feel it, then for you it’s real. You don’t have to convince anyone. Speak up and get the help and support that you deserve.” Today, the reluctance of Veterans to seek help is still at the forefront of his mind and the battle continues. Ian’s message is this: “There is a huge stigma in the general population in speaking about how you feel, fearing what others may think or how they will react. A lot is being done to improve this… but more still needs to be done.”