

Would you like to help PTSD Resolution and contribute to our work?  If you have benefited from our therapy - or perhaps have a particular skill or time to help raise funds or engage with Veterans who might need our support - then you might be interested in a role as an Ambassador for PTSD Resolution. The role is unpaid.

The role of a charity Ambassador for PTSD Resolution is to help PTSD Resolution to meet its charitable objectives to provide free, effective, and rapid therapeutic support to veterans, reservists, and their families who are struggling with the effects of trauma, particularly post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Ambassadors use their expertise, status and contacts to promote and raise awareness for PTSD Resolution. The usual term for the position of ambassadorship is two years, after which the Ambassador may be invited to continue in that capacity.

The main roles and responsibilities of an Ambassador include:

1. Raising awareness: Ambassadors help to increase public knowledge about the charity's mission, goals, and activities through various media channels and public appearances.

2. Fundraising: They may participate in fundraising events, campaigns, or appeals to encourage donations and support for the charity.

3. Advocacy: Ambassadors often speak on behalf of the charity, advocating for the cause and the importance of addressing the issues the organisation tackles.

4. Networking: They use their connections and network to introduce the charity to potential donors, partners, and supporters.

5. Representation: Ambassadors represent the charity at various events, conferences, and meetings, helping to build and maintain the organization's positive reputation.

6. Media relations: They may participate in interviews, press conferences, or other media events to promote the charity and its initiatives.

7. Trustee or advisory roles: Some Ambassadors may be invited to serve on the charity's board of Trustees or advisory committees, offering guidance and expertise to help the organisation achieve its goals.

By leveraging their public profile and influence, charity ambassadors play a crucial role in helping PTSD Resolution gain visibility, credibility, and support for their causes.


About PTSD Resolution

PTSD Resolution, Charity No. 1202649, provides therapy for the mental welfare of Forces’ Veterans, Reservists and their families. Treatment is free, effective and delivered promptly and locally through a network of 200 therapists nationwide, and also by phone and the internet. The charity can also work with organisations to help the mental welfare of their non-veteran staff, by arrangement.

Founded in 2009, the charity is accredited by the Royal College of Psychiatrists to the Quality Network for Veterans Mental Health Services (QNVMHS). It has had over 4,000 referrals to date, and delivers therapy in an average of seven sessions, where the client and therapist agree that no further therapy is required.

The charity is one of the only organisations to provide therapy to veterans suffering with addiction issues or who are in prison - as well as to family members, including partners and children, who may experience the symptoms of trauma from living with a traumatised veteran.

PTSD Resolution has a uniquely ‘lean’ operation, with no salaried staff or assets - funds are used to deliver therapy and for essential research and public information.

Please contact us for further information.