PTSD Resolution - Sponsor


Is your organisation looking for a great cause to support?

PTSD Resolution is worth your attention because we help our Forces' Veteran to recover from military trauma. This helps the veterans, their families (and employers and co-workers), and wider society.

Successful treatment not only relieves the pain and distress that is caused by trauma, but also helps to resolve the secondary financial and social costs of family breakdown, job loss and medical help associated with the condition.

As a registered and reputable charity, we help veterans in prison and in work – and can provide training to HR and line managers to help them recognise the symptoms of PTSD in the workplace and to arrange support

Quite simply, by supporting PTSD Resolution, you can meet, in full, requirements for a Corporate and Social Responsibilities (CSR) programme.

ASISHuman Givens Institute
Lest We Forget Lions Clubs Armed Forces Covenant Trust Fund
The Big Give
Veterans Foundation

As a sponsor, benefits include:-

1. Full acknowledgement of your support on our web site, with your own web page, with full branding
2. Participation in a range of events, to meet veterans, therapists and other supporters
3. Customised support packages: we can arrange speakers for your conferences and dinners and at other events for example
4. PR and social media support: our in-house volunteers include PR and digital media professionals and will help to promote your involvement
5. Full accountability: we offer total transparency on how funds are used by the charity

Association with success: we treat a remarkable 8 out of 10 veterans successfully. No other organisation can claim this.

We have unique resources of expertise in mental health treatment and support, nationwide. So if you wish to access our therapists for support for members of your staff – totally confidentially – then we can help.

Summary: why support PTSD Resolution:-
• A great cause: help us to help our forces' veterans
• High profile: we are contacted by national media regularly for comment on military PTSD
• Help your staff: if you have veterans on your team., we can provide support for mental welfare issues, free of charge – all UK forces' veterans are eligible
• Interesting topic: we can attend and speak at your events on our area of expertise, and we have veterans who are willing to support us and attend too, by arrangement
• Mental welfare at work: through our therapists you have access to a range of support nationwide.

Why not contact us today