Writing a Will

Writing a will

Leave a Lasting Legacy to PTSD Resolution

PTSD Resolution is a charity that helps veterans and reservists resolve mental health problems associated with military trauma, allowing them to lead normal, healthy lives with their families. By leaving a bequest or making a will in favour of PTSD Resolution, you can make a significant impact on the lives of those who have served and sacrificed for their country. 

Here’s why you might consider supporting PTSD Resolution:

The Need for PTSD Resolution’s Services

  • Mental Health Challenges: Many veterans and reservists face mental health problems such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, and depression as a result of their military service.

  • Family Impact: These mental health issues can have a profound impact on the individual’s family life, relationships, and overall well-being.

  • Effective Treatment: PTSD Resolution uses Human Givens therapy, which has been proven to help military veterans, reservists, and their families overcome PTSD and other mental health challenges.

How Your Bequest Can Make a Difference

By leaving a bequest to PTSD Resolution, you can help the organisation:

  1. Provide Therapy: Fund therapy sessions for veterans and reservists in need, helping them overcome mental health challenges.

  2. Raise Awareness: Increase public awareness of PTSD and its impact on military personnel and their families].

  3. Expand Services: Grow the organisation’s reach and capacity to help more individuals affected by military trauma.

How to Leave a Bequest to PTSD Resolution

To include PTSD Resolution in your Will or make a bequest, follow these steps:

  1. Consult a Solicitor: Speak with a solicitor or legal advisor to ensure your will is valid and accurately reflects your intentions.

  2. Specify Your Bequest: Clearly state in your will the amount or percentage of your estate you wish to leave to PTSD Resolution.

  3. Inform PTSD Resolution: Let the organisation know about your intentions, so we can express our gratitude and keep you informed about our work.

To include this charity in your Will, simply give your solicitor or Will writer the following details:

Charity name: PTSD Resolution
Charity address: c/o Chantry House, 22 Upperton Road, Eastbourne, East Sussex. BN21 1BF
Charity Number: 1202649
Email address: contact@ptsdresolution.org
Phone: 0300 302 0551

By leaving a bequest to PTSD Resolution, you can create a lasting legacy that supports veterans and reservists in overcoming the challenges of military trauma and living fulfilling lives with their loved ones. Your generosity will make a significant difference in the lives of those who have served and sacrificed for their country.

You can find a local, qualified solicitor to help you write a Will on Remember A Charity’s website 

‘Remember a Charity’ have negotiated a 20% Discount on Will Writing Services.

Frequently Asked Questions: 

Who are PTSD Resolution?

PTSD Resolution is a UK-based mental health charity that provides free therapy to veterans of the UK armed forces who suffer from post-traumatic stress and other mental health problems associated with military trauma.

Why should I consider leaving a bequest to PTSD Resolution?

By leaving a bequest to PTSD Resolution, you can help fund therapy sessions for veterans and reservists in need, raise awareness of PTSD and its impact on military personnel and their families, and expand the organisation’s reach and capacity to help more individuals affected by military trauma.

How can I include PTSD Resolution in my will?

To include PTSD Resolution in your will, consult a solicitor or legal advisor to ensure your will is valid and accurately reflects your intentions. Specify the amount or percentage of your estate you wish to leave to PTSD Resolution in your Will, and inform the organisation about your intentions.

Charity name: PTSD Resolution
Charity address: c/o Chantry House, 22 Upperton Road, Eastbourne, East Sussex. BN21 1BF
Charity Number: 1202649

Will my bequest make a difference?

Yes, your bequest will make a significant difference in the lives of those who have served and sacrificed for their country. Your generosity will help support veterans and reservists in overcoming the challenges of military trauma and living fulfilling lives with their loved ones.

Is PTSD Resolution a registered charity?

Yes, PTSD Resolution is a charity registered with the Charities Commission in England and Wales, and their registration number is 1202649.

How is PTSD Resolution funded?

PTSD Resolution relies on donations, fundraising activities, and bequests to fund its services and support veterans, reservists, and their families.

How can I learn more about PTSD Resolution?

You can visit PTSD Resolution’s website at https://ptsdresolution.org/ to learn more about the organisation, its services, and how you can support its mission.