PTSD Resolution -About Us
About Us

"PTSD is a dark, devouring ravenous beast of shadow"

PTSD Resolution receives many testimonials from veterans who have received therapy from our national network, such as this one:-

"PTSD is a dark, devouring ravenous beast of shadow. It rushes in through all of our senses when we are exposed to trauma. Some events are so incomprehensibly horrible that we simply cannot let out the scream, it is voiceless and the beast feeds upon it.

"It begins to devour us from within, hungry, restless, unforgiving, keeping the trauma ever in the present moment. It prowls alongside us throughout the day, flash backs, a sense of horror, terror, the need to run away and though we may try to sleep it does not.

"All our attention is tuned to fighting it, dealing with it, trying not to let those we love see it… they see our smiling veneer but we know what it masks.

"PTSD Resolution (and I thank God for these people) see straight through that mask, hear between our words. They know that beast and how to deal with him. A few weeks ago I felt myself smile, it was a sensation I remembered from the time before. After 10 years, I can stop fighting now."

Her therapist at PTSD Resolution says:

"This client had suffered trauma both directly and vicariously at the hands of her soldier husband. Not only had he been violent to her but had insisted on telling her and showing photos to her of the things he had seen.

"She experienced the smell of battle and terrible scenes of carnage he witnessed on him. Her situation was complex in that the PTSD was contributing to the after effects of a virus that left her with severe balance and vertigo problems that pattern matched to being shaken.

"Her consultant physician had said they could not do more until the PTSD was dealt with. Treatment started in October 2014 and it was several months before she felt sufficiently well to begin physiotherapy. This continues and she still has some problems.

"Yet she is now confident, able to go out alone, feels safe and secure. She is able to walk quickly and unaided, has been riding her bicycle and is shortly to start driving again. She is beginning to return to her self employment under the advice of her doctor. She was well enough to close the case in May 2015 and follow up in September has shown significant further improvement. Her current CORE score is 9, having dropped from 28; IES is 10 having dropped from 71; PRN14 has gone up from 62 to 133.

"During her treatment we rewound at least 7 separate incidents any one of which was significant enough to cause considerable physiological distress."

If you are a veteran experiencing symptoms of trauma, contact us today

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