Mental Health Tops Britons' Health Concerns: Veterans' Charity PTSD Resolution Responds

A recent Ipsos survey has revealed a significant shift in public health concerns, with mental health now surpassing cancer and obesity as the primary health worry for Britons, as reported in The Guardian. This change in perception reflects the growing awareness of mental health issues and their impact on individuals and society as a whole.

The survey, conducted across 31 nations, shows that 54% of people in England, Scotland, and Wales now cite mental health as a major concern, up from 50% in 2018. In contrast, obesity was mentioned by only 36% of respondents, while cancer was cited by 49%, despite rising diagnosis rates.

Experts attribute this shift to the sharp rise in mental health issues caused by recent global events, including the COVID-19 pandemic, the cost of living crisis, and increased awareness of male violence against women. The impact of these factors has been felt across all segments of society, including veterans and their families.

Charles Highett, CEO of PTSD Resolution, a UK charity providing mental health support to veterans, reservists, and their families, commented on the findings:

"The Ipsos survey results underscore what we've been observing on the ground. The challenges of recent years have exacerbated existing mental health issues and created new ones, particularly among those who have served in the armed forces."

The global trend is even more pronounced, with 45% of respondents across the 31 surveyed countries now considering mental wellbeing a pressing health concern, up from 27% in 2018. This dramatic increase highlights the universal nature of mental health challenges and the need for accessible, effective support services.

For veterans and their families, the impact of these global stressors can be particularly acute, often compounding existing trauma related to their service. PTSD Resolution has been at the forefront of addressing these unique challenges, providing free, prompt, and local therapy through a network of 200 therapists nationwide.

"At PTSD Resolution, we've seen firsthand how critical timely intervention can be," Highett added. "Our approach of delivering therapy in an average of seven sessions has proven effective in helping veterans and their families navigate these challenging times."

The Ipsos survey also revealed an increase in stress as a major health concern, with the proportion citing it rising from 12% to 17% in Britain and from 25% to 31% globally. This trend aligns with PTSD Resolution’s experience in treating veterans, where stress often manifests as a symptom of underlying trauma.

As mental health continues to gain prominence in public discourse, organisations like PTSD Resolution play a crucial role in providing specialised support to vulnerable groups. The charity’s unique approach, which includes offering therapy to veterans with addiction issues or those in prison, as well as support for family members affected by a veteran’s trauma, addresses a critical gap in mental health services.

PTSD Resolution Services:

  • Free, effective therapy for Forces' Veterans, Reservists, and their families
  • Nationwide network of 200 therapists offering local, phone, and internet-based treatment
  • Average of seven therapy sessions per client Support for veterans with addiction issues or in prison
  • Therapy for family members experiencing secondary trauma Accredited by the Royal College of Psychiatrists

If you’re a veteran, reservist, or family member struggling with mental health issues, or if you’d like to support PTSD Resolution’s vital work, please visit or call 0300 302 0551. Your mental health matters, and help is available.

For more information on our charity and the support we provide, please visit our website at

Phone: 0845 021 7873

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