PTSD Resolution Therapists now Accredited by UK's PSA











Today brings an exciting announcement for all of us at PTSD Resolution involved in and committed to the Human Givens approach to resolving military trauma: the register of the Human Givens Institute (HGI) has been accredited under the Professional Standards Authority (PSA) for Health and Social Care in the UK, under its Accredited Registers Programme.

All 200 therapists in the network are HGI qualified. This ensures a consistent treatment approach and structure to the therapy that we deliver to help Forces' Veterans and their families.

Accreditation means that the HGI has met the Authority's demanding standards in the following areas: governance, setting standards, education and training, managing the register, providing information and dealing with complaints. As such, the programme offers enhanced consumer protection to anyone looking for health and social care services in general and Human Givens therapy in particular.

Bringing HG practitioners into a broad framework of assurance is good for clients, service users and the public and is an effective way to promote quality. It gives us the opportunity to demonstrate our commitment to good practice.

PSA accreditation brings with it a mark of quality which registered HG practitioners are now entitled to use and display – as long as the PSA's guidelines are adhered to. This mark of quality assures clients and the public that Human Givens practitioners belong to a register vetted and approved by an independent statutory body.

Accreditation with the PSA was achieved by the Institute following a rigorous process of evidence provision and demonstration of high standards in all of the measured areas.

The HGI's Professional Register is now listed on the Professional Standards Authority site, which will bring it, and HG therapists, to the notice of people seeking help from professionals on an accredited, reliable register.