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How To Reduce Suicide Risk: One-Day on-line Workshop, 30th September 2021

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Malcolm Hanson, a Trustee of the Forces’ Veterans’ charity PTSD Resolution, will present a one-day online course entitled ‘How to reduce suicide risk - the practical steps you need to know’, on Thursday 30th September. 

Human Givens Institute therapist Malcolm Hanson will explain how to work effectively with people who may be contemplating suicide, or who have survived a past attempt. The event is intended for charity and other staff who engage with veterans who may be at risk of suicide - this includes mental health and wellbeing  professionals, pastoral care and outreach workers.

Cobseo charity member PTSD Resolution, Charity No. 1133188, provides therapy for the mental welfare of Forces’ Veterans, Reservists and their families. Treatment is free, effective and delivered promptly and locally through a network of 200 therapists nationwide - all of whom are regulated  through the Human Givens Institute - in one-to-one treatment sessions in-person or by phone or the internet. Contact wwwptsdresolution.or

Founded in 2009, and with over 3,000 referrals to date, the charity delivers therapy to Navy, Army and Royal Air Force  veterans in an average of six sessions, with 78% of cases seeing an improvement in reported symptoms to where the client and therapist agree that no further therapy is required.

Suicide is the leading cause of death among men aged 17 to 34 in the general population. Men aged 45–49 have the highest suicide rate, whereas women aged 50–54 have the highest suicide rate.

 Depression can all too easily spiral into suicidal thoughts and attempts, in very difficult times, when people cannot see a way out of their problems. Alternatively, the depressive ‘trance’ state itself may deceive people into believing that there is no way out of their misery, explains Malcolm Hanson:

“Veterans’ charity staff engaging with troubled individuals will want to keep them safe, offer them the hope they need that things will improve, and provide them with the tools required to cope until that happens. The Human Givens approach to therapy is the most powerful and organic way to achieve this”.

Malcolm Hanson is a Veteran himself and a tutor and therapist with extensive expertise, working with veterans and family members. He takes workshop delegates through the critical steps to follow when dealing with someone who is suicidal. 

His experience includes working as a psychotherapist in NHS primary care in an area of great deprivation for nine years; he has seen patients referred for complex mental health issues by GPs, social workers, psychiatrists, police and probation officials. He has helped clients who have experienced multiple traumas, chronic pain, and terminal illness. 

Malcolm Hanson will share what he has learned, giving delegates the information and certainty they need to engage confidently and respectfully with veterans who are struggling to find reasons to live, starting with the anticipation of positive change.



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