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Mental Health of Security Personnel

Mental Health of Security Personnel

The mental health of security staff is an acute industry problem, particularly amongst frontline security officers -  and especially during the pandemic, with the additional pressures and stress that this has brought for personnel.

“With almost 40 per cent of those surveyed exhibiting symptoms of PTSD, it leaves a very clear message that the issue of mental health is not currently being taken seriously by security managers.”

Professor Mark Button, Professor of Criminology in the Institute of Criminal Justice Studies at the University of Portsmouth, 2019.

Security line managers often are unable to identify a team member who may be struggling with the impact of trauma, or not know how to raise and discuss the issue. 

Officers themselves are reluctant to report that they may have a problem, believing that it will be recorded in their medical records and impact on their career.

A key problem is that security companies generally lack a unified system to identify problems and protect the mental health of their staff. Some companies have an EAP (Employee Assistance Programme) for staff who self-identify a problem. Separately, there may be some mental health ‘first aid’ training, usually of HR staff, but there is no consistent process across the organisation. 


The goal of responsible security companies is this:-

A company-wide stress management and mental health policy, with a culture of openness about the issues and a strategy and pathways to identify, resolve and prevent avoidable mental health issues.


This will enable organisations to:

  1. Maximise operational efficiency and mitigate service risks
  2. Preclude employee and third-party liability arising from mental health issues
  3. Meet CSR objectives as a responsible employer

The PTSD Resolution Solution

PTSD Resolution is a charity with a national network of 200 therapists, and over a decade’s experience in identifying and resolving issues of trauma and PTSD. 
With 3,000 referrals to date, in 78% of cases there was a reported improvement in symptoms after an average of six sessions to where the client and therapist agreed no further therapy was required.
The charity can provide advice, support and therapy, to help security companies create a unified strategy and system for the protection of the mental health of its personnel.

The service can include:-

  1. Information and authoritative advice for companies to include within internal communications and HR programmes. 
  2. Training support and webinars and video library material on PTSD - what it is, how to recognise the symptoms and raise the issue with staff, and signpost treatment.
  3. Helpline to answer questions and provide advice to managers on the subject of PTSD.
  4. PTSD trauma treatment for personnel who need therapeutic support.

PTSD Resolution Therapy

Therapy is delivered one-to-one, in person or via the internet by our network of 200 therapists. It is confidential and brief - with the resolution of symptoms, by agreement of the therapist and the client, in an average of five outpatient sessions.

Next Steps

Contact us about:

  1. A ‘working together’ outline and goal.
  2. A basis for a financial contribution for the proposed services.
  3. A strategy for development and agreement of the relationship and services.


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