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Mental Welfare of Armed Forces' Veterans: New Impact Report

PTSD-Resolution Impact Report

Many Veterans and Reservists continue to suffer mental health anguish resulting from their time in service to the UK - or in the case of some families, from supporting a loved one with these problems.

Charity PTSD Resolution helps them through a network of 200 therapists across the UK who provide therapy that is free, local, prompt, brief and effective, specifically to address the issue of persistent trauma. However many Veterans suffering from the symptoms are still unaware that they can get help to get better; that there is a service available to help relieve the problems of post-traumatic stress.

It is for this reason, and to mark the 3,000th referral by PTSD Resolution that the charity is now publishing its 10 Year Impact Report.

The report answers the questions the charity is often asked about PTSD Resolution: who it is and what it does; the sources of donations and how they are used. There are testimonials, stories on fundraisers and information on how donors can support the charity in its mission to relieve the impact of trauma for Forces' Veterans, Reservists and their families nationwide.


Remembrance Day - Reception

It's been a long recovery journey for Ian Young - but today he is keen to break the stigma surrounding Post Traumatic Stress and emphasise the importance of asking for help.

In 2017, Ian was at rock bottom. With trauma dating back to his eleven years' Army service, he was self-medicating with alcohol and felt his life was unravelling. Aware something was very wrong, Ian reached out to PTSD Resolution and had his first free, local counselling session booked within the week.

Since then Ian has used the tools and techniques he learned in therapy to build a full life. A keen fundraiser and marathon runner, Ian represented Great Britain at the 2017 Invictus games in Canada.

He went on to be an Ambassador for the 2018 games and is an Invictus athletics coach. Ian has a powerful message for anyone suffering, about trusting your instincts if something feels wrong: "My advice is, if you feel it, then for you it's real.

You don't have to convince anyone. Speak up and get the help and support that you deserve."

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Please see the 10 Year Impact Report.

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