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75 year old Jonathan Thomson has completed the North Coast 500 to raise £10,000 for PTSD Resolution, a UK charity helping Veterans, Reservists and their families overcome trauma

Battle of Edgehill

A former Royal Marine, Jonathan describes PTSD as “a dreadful affliction that can affect those who have witnessed or been involved in traumatic events. Too many of our Veterans or those still serving suffer from it.”

Jonathan spent lockdown training at home for his 500 mile charity cycle around the North West of Scotland. It was six months of a rigorous 6-days-a-week routine involving a road bike, a turbo bike in the garden and a Wattbike ATOM in the hall, “a fearsome machine that is mostly too much for me.”

Finally, last Monday (5th October) Jonathan - the lone cyclist - and a small team of supporters set off from Inverness to complete the NC500.

Within a week they had successfully navigated the difficult, hilly, very wet & windy terrain of the North West coast to John o’Groats - Britain’s most northerly point - and back again, returning to Inverness Castle and a welcoming party on Sunday afternoon.

The final days pushed Jonathan and his team to the limit as they doubled back from John o’Groats to avoid the A9. Extending the journey brought Jonathan’s total distance cycled up to 542 miles, a huge achievement mirrored by his fundraising tally which currently stands at £11,000 and counting.

Jonathan in training.

“PTSD Resolution treats those afflicted at no cost to their patients, it receives no government or NGO funding and has no offices or assets. All funds raised are used to support the therapy and outreach programme. PTSD Resolution is a remarkable organisation that deserves our support.”
- Jonathan Thomson

PTSD Resolution is a leading forces’ charity providing free mental health therapy to traumatised Veterans, Reservists and their families.

The programme is community-based, with the treatment provided locally through a nationwide network of 200 therapists, and additionally online and through phone contact during the pandemic. PTSD Resolution helps resolve mental health problems that obstruct a normal range of family and work relationships.

Trauma causes flashbacks, nightmares, anger and depression - which may lead to violence, alcohol and substance abuse, job loss, family breakdown and even suicide.

The charity has no salaried staff or assets. Donations received fund the cost of treatment by local therapists, a public information programme to ensure Veterans and families know of the help available, and essential fundraising and research.

For further information: www.ptsdresolution.org


Jonathan’s fundraising page is still live: https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/jonathanThomson2