Press Release: "PTSD Conference, London 18th May 2019"


PTSD Conference, London 18th May 2019:

Armed Forces’ Veterans Charity celebrates 10 years of outstanding service.

PTSD Resolution - the second largest UK military mental health charity, and member of Cobseo, the Confederation of Service Charities - is marking its 10th anniversary at its biennial Conference in London on 18th May.  

The Conference is for the 200 Human Givens therapists, as part of their continuous professional development, but is also open to other healthcare or military professionals with an interest in military mental health.  

The programme will include an update on the evidence of their 2300 results to date; briefings with case studies on ‘complex’ PTSD, medication and nutrition; briefing on a therapist’s book ‘PTSD: Understanding and Recovery’; introduction of an App ‘Better Stop Suicide’; and the results of a ten year online survey.

Don’t Wait: Effective Help is Available Now

PTSD Resolution was created as a charity in 2009 to meet the need for treatment that is prompt, local, brief and effective to resolve PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) experienced by former members of the UK armed forces, reservists and their families.

Hundreds of veterans, reservists and family members have had their lives turned round, jobs saved, relationships rescued, suicides prevented.  

The single call to 0300 302 0551 puts them on the first step to recovery.  Many of them have tried other therapies and services to no avail; or have been put on medication, with effects that they don’t like.  

They are so relieved when they learn that they don’t have to wait for months, or have to relive or re-tell their experiences during therapy.

What Conference Delegates Say

Feedback from previous Conferences:

“the Q&A at the end was great - so much variety, interest and a wealth of experience”

“really found this interesting and hope we can work together”

“Excellent Conference. Thank you”

"fantastic day, lots of information shared, good chance at networking"

"comprehensive and inspiring"

"thanks for a great conference - a wide variety of speakers and very good time keeping"

Details and booking are on this link Conference.