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Your Donation DOUBLED In Big Give Week – Starts Tuesday 29th November

NHS nurse - stress

Please donate through the Big Give from 12pm midday on 29th November and until 12pm, 6th December. Your donation will be doubled by our generous sponsor Monday Charitable Trust. We will be able to double donations while matched funding lasts.

Here is all that you need to do:- 

●    From 12pm midday on 29th November visit the Big Give.
●    Please have your credit card details ready when you make your donation

Do let us know when you’ve donated – please post on Facebook or tell us on Twitter (use hashtag #PTSDresolution #BigGive) - we would love to know when you have been successful.

Join us on Twitter and Facebook to keep up to date

You can help us to make the difference, to save Veterans’ lives, families and jobs.

Tens of thousands of ex-forces men and women suffer from military trauma. Without help, the consequences can be flashbacks, nightmares, anger and depression - often leading to substance abuse, job loss, family breakdown and even suicide.

PTSD Resolution helps Veterans, Reservists and dependents, who are struggling to reintegrate into a normal work & family life because of military trauma suffered during service in the armed forces. Through our nationwide network of 200 HG therapists, PTSD Resolution provides therapy that is unique:-

Private, Immediate, Local, Brief, Humane and Effective.

As an independent charity we need new donations to pay for the programme to continue. Every penny counts: all money is spent on providing essential treatment and information. 

What Veterans say:
PTSD Resolution has got it right and I would recommend them to anyone who’s suffering, and to get help sooner rather than leaving it too late….” Paul, 25 years’ service as medic

“The memories are still there, they will never go away, but I have my life back and (my wife) and I are also back together….” HC, 16 years’ veteran, Scots Guards

“The help provided by Resolution is immediate and it’s very effective. I recommend it unreservedly…” MS retired Major, Parachute Regiment