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New Industry Initiative for Mental Health of Forces' Veterans
City Event November 2nd

New Industry Initiative for Mental Health of Forces Veterans

PTSD Resolution is launching a new industry campaign to promote the mental welfare of veterans of the armed forces and support their employers. Guests at the City launch event in London on November 2nd 2022 can find out about opportunities for organisations to partner with the armed forces charity, support their staff and meet their Armed Forces Covenant (AFC) goals.

Colonel Tony Gauvain (Retired), chairman of PTSD Resolution, says:

“There are 2.4 million Armed Forces Veterans in the UK. A small but significant minority struggle with mental health issues from their time in the services. This can impact seriously on their work and employment prospects, and is both a humanitarian and a resource issue for those in industry.”

PTSD Resolution has helped 3,500 veterans, reservists and family members resolve the symptoms of trauma, which can include depression, anger, family breakdown and job loss. With a near 8 out of 10 success rate, treatment is local, brief, prompt and effective. It is delivered through a network of 200 therapists nationwide, in an average of six sessions in person or online.

“The city reception is an opportunity for senior business people to find out how they can help veterans, which benefits their organisation, whether veterans are currently employed or join in the future,” says Tony Gauvain.

City Reception November 2nd: Employers Welcome

“This is an informal setting, and businesspeople will have the opportunity to meet clients of PTSD Resolution who have benefited from our therapists’ treatment while networking with like-minded people who care about mental health issues and the well-being of their staff.”

Support for former military personnel, reservists and their families is a priority for many corporate and governmental organisations, which is why they signed the Armed Forces Covenant. The Covenant is now an integral part of the Corporate and Social Responsibility (CSR) plan for many organisations in the UK.

PTSD Resolution has attracted increased attention from organisations because of its record of using funds for its charitable purpose, with no funds diverted to ownership of assets or staff salary or pension overheads.

A partnership with PTSD Resolution offers a great way for a company to support the welfare of its veteran staff; also to unite employees behind a common goal, raise funds to achieve CSR goals, and provide a contemporary theme for company events and communications.

“When a veteran of the United Kingdom's armed forces has post-traumatic stress due to their service for their country, we are here to help. There are significant individual and societal consequences associated with this issue, for those who served, their families, and the general public," says Tony Gauvain.

"If you want to make a difference, help your staff and meet CSR goals, you can do so by working with PTSD Resolution.”

Partnership: Why PTSD Resolution?

  • Make a difference: the charity records the progress of every client; there is full evidence available of the impact and benefits of the therapy for veterans

  • Ideal for Corporate and Social Responsibility (CSR) programmes

  • Team development: a partner organisation’s teams can work together voluntarily to help a great charitable cause

  • Helping the veterans amongst staff deal with trauma

  • Training for HR and line managers in the causes and symptoms of PTSD

Many employers are meeting their commitments under the Armed Forces Covenant by working with PTSD Resolution - and going on to win recognition with awards through the Defence Employer Recognition Scheme (ERS).

The FDM Group is one example of a company that has partnered successfully with PTSD Resolution.

The  FTSE 250 firm recruits, trains and deploys ex-forces personnel as well as graduates and those looking to return to work after a career break. FDM has engaged with PTSD Resolution to support the well-being of any forces’ veterans who have been affected by military trauma, utilising the charity’s national network of therapists. PTSD Resolution provided critical support to help FDM achieve the ERS Gold Award in 2017.

Hundreds of ex-forces personnel have been through the FDM careers programme since its inception in 2014 are currently employed by FDM and working on client sites.

If you are interested in your company being represented at the November 2nd City event, which is kindly hosted by Allied Universal, please contact www.PTSDresolution.org