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Martin: UK Army Catering Corps Veteran

NHS nurse - stress

"If your reading this Well Done! Your on the right path. PTSD Resolution will defiantly help get you where you should and want to be.

"Before I explain how my therapist guided me away from my dark place, a brief outline how I got PTSD.

"After completing basic training and trade training as an Army Catering Corps Chef, in 1985, I was posted to an RMP unit in Northern Island, in July 1986, while returning to the garrison, I was attacked by an off duty RMP, who simply kicked the stuffing out of me and threatened to destroy my military career.

"When I managed to get back to camp, the main gate duty guard noticed the damage and I was escorted to the RMP Duty Room to file a report, Yeah right, me, an ACC Chef, sitting in the RMP Duty Room, being "interviewed" by around 4, On Duty RMP's, and I'm expected to tell them that it was one of their own did this? One RMP intimidated enough, by an ACC Chef to kick the stuffing out. No Way was I going to add On Duty RMP's to the list of power-hungry cowards, putting more crosshairs on my back. At least ONE of the RMP's had some humanity left in their body to recommend taking to M.P.H, to get a medical check-up. For the rest of my posting, I either kept between my room and duty shifts or kept looking over my shoulder (on Camp).

"After N.I. was North London, and approx 3 months after starting my second posting, the camp was bombed. Seeing all the Civilian Police, Reg Police and YES, RMP's. pushed me over the edge. I turned in my papers. So in short, that RMP who was intimidated by an ACC Chef in 1986, did in fact end my career.

"In 1990 I came to Hong Kong, for a break and to reclaim my life. I met my wife and started my new life out here. As the years past, our children grew and my emotional state of mind started to fail. On the 19th of July 2019 the New Royal British Legion, Hong Kong, Macau, and China , helped me locate a Civilian Clinical Phycologist. Who officially diagnosed my PTSD. After a year or so of weekly face to face and a few phone sessions. Putting it simply, she had no idea how to connect to, communicate with or handle a military programmed person. In short, she sent me an email saying she could not help me. She didn't even recommend or refer me to another more qualified Phycologist. She simply opened the thunderbox where I had stored 90% of my issues and dropped me further than I was before she started.

"Now how did I find PTSD Resolution? Through a wonderful lady I was chatting with one night through messenger, and she said try contacting PTSD Resolution.

"I did and they teamed me up with my therapist. From his first call, he explained:

1. He IS Ex-Military. (he speaks OUR language)
2. He has been there, seen and done things that I have done, (and worse).
3. He is NOT an archeologist trying to dig up the past and solve the problem.
4. That this was going to be a 'TEAM' effort.
5. He will guide me and I will do all the work.
6. He will give me the tools to manage my PTSD.
7. He will give me the tools to become the person I WANT to be.

"In my mind, he jumped feet first into my 30-year hell of, nightmares, flashbacks, and taught me the skills and showed me how to use them to get myself back onto the path of where I should and want to be. He even indirectly helped to start repairing my marriage and the relationship between my children.

"If you have read this far. You have proven to yourself that you are still strong enough, still determine enough, still looking for a guide. Now give PTSD Resolution a call. Their basic training will be tough, but, like recovering from any addictions, having someone who has been in our shoes, giving us the tools to deal with whatever life will throw at us.

"I will not lie, sometimes the bad does raise its evil head, but I have the tools and skills to hammer it back into the thunderbox. And allow me to relax in my happy place.

"In closing…
Thank you, for going where few will or can go.
Thank you for giving me the tools and showing me how to use them.
Thank you for giving me back control of my future.
Thank you for giving me back my marriage and children.
Your crystal ball was correct."

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