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Pure Mental Podcasting

PTSD Resolution trustee and therapist, Malcolm Hanson, has recorded a podcast with Daniel from Pure Mental Podcasting.

Billed as "a one man mental health podcast," PMP explores the historical, philosophical, medical and experiential world of the mind - with "an occasional male orientated slant."

Malcolm served in the British Army from 1988 to 2000, before working full time in the NHS as a psychotherapist, managing a combined team of mental health and social care workers - and - completing a masters degree in psychotherapy and a doctorate in social science.

Here, Malcolm and Daniel discuss the nature of trauma and how PTSD Resolution supports those in need of help. It's an interesting and freewheeling discussion that also covers - amongst other things - survivor guilt, morality and how the Human Givens Theory works to relieve the symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress.


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