Resolution Newsletter 1110....For friends of PTSD Resolution

Noting your interest in military post traumatic stress, I’m writing with news of PTSD Resolution, as the charity provides the national outreach programme of specialist therapy in the community, on an outpatient basis.

News from PTSD Resolution

It’s now eight months since our official launch at the House of Lords - following the successful three-year pilot - hosted by General the Lord Ramsbotham, president of PTSD Resolution, with General Sir Richard Dannatt as our keynote speaker.

I’m writing to update you, as a friend of PTSD Resolution, on our campaign to beat military PTSD. Indeed it can in most cases be beaten. The proof is represented by the Veterans and Reservists previously suffering from the condition who are now successfully treated by our therapists.

Sadly, there are many, many more sufferers still affected. Some 20,000 ex-servicemen are in jail or on probation. One in four homeless people is a former member of the armed forces. Many of these people are suffering from military PTSD. There are tens of thousands more with severe problems caused by the condition, suffering nightmares, flashbacks and problems of violence or addiction.
PTSD Resolution offers the only national outreach PTSD therapy programme in the UK that is available nationwide, on an outpatient basis and free of charge to Veterans and Reservists. Just to remind you of key features:-
- Better than 80 percent success in treating military PTSD
- Brief, with an average of just three to five one-hour therapy sessions
- Out-patient treatment, to support family and work routines
- Able to work in prisons, where the authorities permit
- Nationwide. Confidential. No waiting list. No referral needed
- Complementary to work of other services' charities
- Free - Registered Charity No. 1133188
New developments which I hope are of interest:-.
1. National Survey
A new national survey of former members of the armed forces and Reservists is on-line. The goal is to identify the scale and symptoms of military PTSDin the UK. Our senior therapist: comments on the results so far: "Up to 75% of all the ex-servicemen responding who have a serious level of post-traumatic symptoms do not even have an ‘official’ diagnosis, let alone the psychological help they need to get their symptoms reduced to the point where they could get on with their lives. Worse still, nearly 50% of respondents feel suicidal at least some of the time." This suggests that about three quarters of the military trauma problem is hidden and does not appear in the official statistics.
All Veterans and Reservists of the armed forces can participate, details are at website
2. National Conference
Our first National Conference is booked for the February 5th in London. It is intended for qualified therapists and related professionals in all areas with an active involvement with Veterans and Reservists suffering from military PTSD or in the prison or probation system.
Please watch our web site for further details of the event:
We currently seek a sponsor to help meet the modest costs of holding this event.

Does your company employ Reservists? We seek conference speakers: an HR head to talk about employing Reservists; and Reservists working in companies who may have experienced PTSD or know colleagues who have done so.

3. Funding Therapy
Therapy provided by PTSD Resolution for Veterans and Reservists is free. To ensure every penny counts towards treating vets and Reservists, we have no fixed administrative costs - no paid staff and no office rental costs. So every pound you donate goes towards helping sufferers.
All the time that there are untreated Veterans or Reservists we will continue to offer this immediate, free, local service.  But helping people in need will always mean finding  new sources of funding.. Can you help us with any of the following:-
·         Donations on a corporate or personal basis
·         Access or introductions to established charitable budgets and sources of funds
·         Any new initiatives for fundraising that you would be prepared to propose and also manage
Thank you to the Tulchan Group, Financial communications company in the City of London, who have chosen PTSD Resolution as the Charity of the Year for their annual City Carol Service.  If your organisation holds a Christmas collection, would you consider making PTSD Resolution the beneficiary?  Support materials and speakers are available to for events that raise our profile and bring in much-needed funds.
On-line donations: (it's quick, easy and secure) and by donating old mobile phones and cartridges for recycling for charity

Kind regards:
The PTSD Resolution Team
0300 302 0551