15TH July 2011


This newsletter comes at the mid year point and serves to bring you up to date with developments since February.  Please read it all as it includes important information. You can see the previous newsletters at


  1. The Head of the Defence Medical Services has agreed to run a consultation to determine the criteria required for approving treatment services such as Resolution.  The Clinical Head of COBSEO (the Confederation of British Service and Ex-service Organisations) is also running a similar ‘kite-marking’ exercise, which may turn out to be the same thing.  We await the outcome and if nothing has been heard by 1 September, we will be asking for a progress report.  Meanwhile we shall continue to work at the grass roots level referring clients to you as and when they make contact.
  1. Service Description.  We are distributing a revised service description document that reflects changes in how we describe what we do.  It will be emailed separately.



  1. We are currently averaging two new referrals a week.  So far, we have recorded 157 referrals who have had or who are in treatment.
  2. We would like a testimonial from each client wherever possible, telling in his own words the treatment journey he has been on, and his feedback on the treatment received from Resolution.

Wider psycho-social support and follow up

  1. We want to make sure that all clients are seen within the context of wider social support and are followed up, as referenced in the last newsletter and at the conference.  If any therapist wants to know what to access such support, then please email Sarah.
  2. One such dimension is the Warrior Programme (, which aims to 'restore self-esteem in helping to re-build confidence and dignity, empowering people by giving them the tools to lead a more fulfilled life' .  We have agreed with them to cross-refer where appropriate.

Discussion Group

  1. We have launched an email-based discussion group for all registered therapists.  The purpose is enabling discussion and information sharing in an informal, but respectful way, to help us in promoting and delivering our services.  We hope everyone will sign up, and that it proves to be useful.

Trauma Awareness Training for Employers (TATE)

  1. We are launching a new service to bring awareness of trauma to employers and managers, including HR pros.  It is based on two day workshops, the details can be seen at . Leaflets are available on request, from Sarah, in printed form or as a .pdf.  There is lots of info on the web site – or will be shortly.
  2. We hope this will be a further source of revenue as well as referrals.  We hope that you will all consider how you could market this service locally, maybe through business networks and clubs, local papers, or anywhere there is a group of people concerned with the effects of trauma. Please note that we have booked an open access workshop in November 2011 at the Institute of Directors, London – please can you encourage any relevant contacts you have to attend. – this is a unique service, invaluable for retail sector employers, HR professionals and others who may have staff who suffer trauma – see


  1. We have just distributed the latest list of Veterans in Custody Support Officers (VISCO), showing who is in each prison.  Prisons are a source of referrals because most of them have or will have veterans inside, many of whom will have pts symptoms.  And the staff themselves may welcome treatment, as well as an opportunity for training with TATE. 
  2. VICSOs provide a route in to the prison staff and to the Mental Health staff, many of who are increasingly under-resourced and would welcome free counselling.

County Coordinators

  1.  Take up has been low and slow.  It is always difficult asking people to do more, but busy people very often do do more!  It is simply meant to be a way of focusing people locally in whatever way appeals to them to raise funds and awareness.  We can help and advise – just ask!  See details at

Pub Hubs

  1.  Likewise, we want more takers.  It can only be increased by local contact.  There must be more landlords who would like to follow Jim Woolley’s example at the Hare Inn – his is a fantastic story of local activism to help veterans and raise funds for our cause.  See details at

Fund Raising

  1. At the present rate of referrals we will run out of money in 4 months time.  We are following various ideas at the national level, such as the Big Give , but there must be more that could be done at the local level.  Jo Ham is very kindly compiling a guide to local fundraising, which we will distribute when ready.  Maybe this and your own ideas can be used to generate funds that ultimately come back to you, and well as benefitting the Veterans.
  2.  We are registered, as you will see if you go to the website and search on PTSD Resolution.  You can then see whether and how you might be able to generate activity.
  3.  This really is a free and easy way to generate funds.  Just go to the website and follow the instructions to get Resolution-marked envelopes and boxes to collect mobiles and cartridges for recycling.
  4. Individual fund raising.  Link to John Daley and others on their achievements.

 Alcohol and Drug abuse

  1. The official line by NHS, Combat Stress, is that people cannot be treated if they are alcoholic or drug dependent.  That has to be treated first, before pts can be treated.  Resolution takes the line that pts is likely to be the cause of the addiction, and therefore can be treated together, providing of course that the client is sober at the time. 
  2. At a recent conference it was stated that there is no evidence that our line is correct.  Well, of course not!!  So, we would like to build up a profile of referrals who have a drink or drug problem, and we would ask that this information is reflected in your feedback to Sarah.
  1. Survey.  The survey on the website ( bears this out to some extent, and Piers’ summary is reproduced at Annex A.


Next Conference

  1. We are planning to hold another conference on 4th February 2012 at the same venue in London.  We would like suggestions as to content, speakers, format, etc, please.

Keep up the good work!

Tony Gauvain
Piers Bishop

Patrick Rea